
All emulated pocket computers and calculators

PockEmul – Forward to the Past

You certainly remember those programmable pocket computers and calculators that appeared in the late ’70s and had their golden age in the following decade.

Many computer scientists today have made their first steps with them. Those who have turned to other passions, keep the memory of having lived the genesis of a science that has today invaded our lives.

If you have not kept your vintage machine, or dream of typing on models that were inaccessible to you, PockEmul can satisfy your nostalgia by reliving those wonderful technological objects back inside your smartphone or tablet.

20 thoughts on “About”

  1. Nice to meet you
    I would like to try using the emulation of Sharp’s PC-E500.
    So the question is, how is Pokcemul’s SIO emulated?
    I would like to know both the Windows version and the Android version.
    Thank you in advance.

  2. Hi Remy, congratulations for a fantastic work ! This is a great achievement and a joy to all retro-computing and calculator fans ! I’ve just discovered your program looking for info on the Sharp PC-1500 that I recently bought on eBay.

  3. Hi, you did a great job at emulating all this pocket computers!
    I am a big fan of the SHARP pockets and also IQ organizers.
    Did you ever think of emulating the IQ-7000 and IQ-8000 SHARP organizers. They have the same CPU as the PC-E500 (SC-62015). It should be possible to extract the ROM content using the Sharp IQ-8B03 – Scientific Computer and BASIC card. I have checkt: The cards BASIC supports PEEK, POKE and CALL.
    But I do not know which display driver they are using.

  4. Super programme.
    J’ai redécouvert le Sharp PC-E500S grâce à votre émulateur et je me suis à programmer en langage machine depuis.
    Est-il prévu des updates de votre application.
    Si ce n’est pas le cas comment faire pour faire part de nos commentaires et proposer des améliorations ?
    J’imagine bien évidemment que le code source n’est pas possible.

  5. How did you extract the ROM image for the Sharp PC-G850VS? I’m trying to change the STAT and BASE-N menus to English and I’d like to be able to get a current ROM Image (version 1.03)

  6. La version actuelle de la ROM PC-G850V est la 1.03. L’émulateur a 1.02. Est-il prévu de mettre à niveau la version ROM?
    The current version of the PC-G850V ROM is 1.03. The emulator has 1.02. Is there a plan to upgrade the ROM version?

  7. Hi there! Just found this page. I have a Panasonic HHC for the GE Suitcase Programmer which is used to program GE radios. Is there any plans to output the emulator to interface with the actual hardware? This is a really nice program. Keep up the good work!

  8. bonjour,
    j’ai gardé tous mes programmes SHARP pc e-500 sous forme de fichiers textes (exemple monprog.asc) , je ne trouve pas le moyen de les charger. comment dois-je proceder?
    merci par avance.

  9. Hello: Thank you for your Sharp PC-1251 emulation. Can you tell me how I can save a program written in the emulator to a notepad file please? So I can run it on a physical PC-1251. Thank you

  10. Nice work, I don’t like the modern interface though, all of vintage calculators lovers prefer a traditional menu with all option accesible instead of all animated stuff. It would be nice if all features could be accesible without using mouse. Right click should open calculator options. Some calculators (HP41, Sharp PC-125x) makes some noises (using windows XP), closing cassette interface ce-125 gives an exeption (instruction “0x7c91100b” references unreadable mem “0x00000034”) and closes emulator.
    Closing calculators should be more easy than now (having them on a window with a [x] or right click close).

  11. Hello PockEmul,
    your pocket computer emulations are phantastic. Since I own a Sharp PC-E500S, I tried your emulation. It works nicely, except for one issue: The BS (backspace) button seems to be out of function. Would you be so kind to include a working BS button in your next release?
    Kind regards

  12. Hi pockemul,
    I love to see so many pocket computers emulated! Are you going to emulate the casio fx-790p or tandy pc-6 someday?

  13. yes, i have the service manual for the CE-126P.
    I will send a copy to you, therefore send me your adress.
    with the best wishes for you

  14. Wie kann man mit dem Emulator Pockemul ein Basic-Programm mit Zeilen-Nummern
    für den PC-E500 laden b.z.w. emulieren?
    Ich habe mit Pockemul den PC-E500 mit einer RAM-DISK (204kb) und der RAM-KARTE (64kb) emuliert. Danach habe ich von Hand ein Basic-Programm mit dem
    Emulator von Hand eingetippt und in der RAM-DISK E: gespeichert. Alles funktioniert
    einwandfrei. Nun möchte ich ein BASIC-Programm laden um die Tipperei von Hand zu
    umgehen. Aber wie? Mit der Serial-Console? Welche Parameter muss man eingeben?
    Am PC-E500 und in der Serial-Console? Bitte um Antwort. Oder gibt es eine Hilfe-Datei auf Ihrer Web-Seite. Wenn möglich bitte in “Deutsch / German”.

  15. Love the project (v0.9.2) – I own one of the Sharp Pocket Computers – can’t remember which one but I am going to dig it out now and see if it still works!

  16. Bonjour,
    Super travail, je suis content de pouvoir me servir de ces émulateurs.
    J’ai un PC1251 + CE125 et un PC1211.
    Je me permet de poster ce message ici, j’ai pas trouvé d’autre endroit pour vous contacter.
    Je suis à la recherche du livre du langage machine pour pc 1251.
    J’en avais acheté un à l’époque au club des sharpentiers, mais on me l’a mis à la poubelle 🙁
    Merci pour toutes informations.

    1. Bonjour,
      Je n’ai malheureusement pas le livre du langage machine pour PC-1251 en format éléctronique.
      Toutefois, … J’ai celui du PC-1350. C’est exactement le même CPU, avec même des instructions suplémentaire qui n’étaient pas documentées dans le premier. Il n’y a guère que la map mémoire qui soit différente, mais elle est trouvable sur le net.
      Le livre du langage machine PC-1350

  17. Hey nice project! Will you also implement second generation of Sharp pocket computers? I’ve an old PC-2500 that behave in a strange way and I need practice on that before to attempt to repair it.
    Keep it up whit Pockemul!

    1. Thank you. The current release of PockEmul handles last generations Pockets Computer like : Sharp E-500, G-850, Casio PB-1000 and PB-2000.
      I will post soon new binaries.

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