Thanks to the amazing job of Piotr,
the Casio fx-8000g is now part of PockEmul.
A vintage Pocket Computers and Calculators emulator
At the moment the battle of the handhelds was raging with Sharp, Casio marked the middle of the 80s by releasing the first graphic calculator,the fx-7000G:
The following year, in 1986, Casio drives the nail with this fx-8000g “inflated” to 1446 bytes with an output and its FA-80 interface for saving programs on tape and printing to centronics standard.
The race was launched, it will not stop, year after year, more and more memory,color screens and larger, the USB output and much later the stylus.
A machine that marked its era and a generation of students in middle and high school.
Thanks to the amazing job of Piotr,
the Casio fx-8000g is now part of PockEmul.