Goodbye PockEmul Lite – Welcome to PockEmul

At the end of June, i wanted to release PockEmul Pro for the end of august. Unfortunately, my time was limited and I am in late.
So many tests and fixes.

It is now a matter of days ,definitely before mid september..

PockEmul Lite will became simply PockEmul.

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Forward to the Past

You certainly remember the programmable pocket computers and calculators that appeared in the late ’70s and had their golden age in the following decade.

Many computer scientists today have made their first steps with them. Those who have turned to other passions, keep the memory of having lived the genesis of a science that has today invaded our lives.

If you have not kept your vintage machine, or dream of typing on models that were inaccessible to you, PockEmul can satisfy your nostalgia by reliving these wonderful technological objects back inside your smartphone or tablet.

Get it on Google Play

Un nouveau modèle, le General LBC-1100

Grâce à nos amis bernouilli92 et razzmoket (voir , la ROM du LBC-1100 a pu être dumpée.
Ce pocket est trés proche du NEC-PC-2001, (CPU quasi équivalent, drivers LCD identiques), mais il y a tout de même de grosse différences d’architecture.
Pour l’instant, le LCD et le clavier fonctionnent, la programmation aussi. Il faut que je regarde maintenant l’extension CL-1000.