Thanks to Robert, a PockEmul’s fan, the Sharp PC-2500 English Operation Manual is now available.
I will add it to PockEmul 2.4.0 but you can download it from here now.
A vintage Pocket Computers and Calculators emulator
Dear PockEmul’s fans, I am pleased to announce the new PockEmul release. It will be available in the next few days.
It includes the Texas Instruments TI-74 Basic Pocket Computer and the TI-95 Procalc programmable calculator.
Dear PockEmul fans, I am pleased to announce the next PockEmul release, it will be available in the next few days.
The business model change (subscription fee) was challenging and we want to thank all the PockEmul community to support us. It is, in our opinion, the only way to secure PockEmul’s future.
To comfort the trust of our existing customers and gain the trust of future fans, we must continually add new features and make PockEmul better and better.
All the new added features are and will be included.
Following PockEmul for Android, I am very proud to introduce the next step to PockEmul EveryWhere:
As all new main releases, it will also provide several new emulated devices:
Draw the Globe with the PC-1500 and its CE-150 plotter
The PockEmul session file is available at
Be sure PockEmul is closed before openning the globe.pml file.
If your PockEmul is prior than 2.0.2 you might have a memory error. Just click OK, it has no side effect.
It is fixed in PockEmul 2.0.2.