PockEmul Store issue

Breaking news:
bug fixed.
PockEmul 2.8.2 will be released ASAP.

It seems some of you have an issue with the PockEmul Store.

The error when trying to start the PockEmul Store, is “The PockEmul Store is not available. Please Retry.”.

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce it, all of my devices are working perfectly.

Before launching the PockEmul Store, PockEmul load from Google Play store:

  • all products catalog
  • all subscriptions catalog
  • all purchases

If any of this actions fails, the PockEmul Store is not launched and “The PockEmul Store is not available. Please Retry.” error message is issued.

If you have this issue, could you :

  • Clear the Cache and all data of the Google Play Application
  • Test this issue on an other device
  • Try to create an other account on the google Play Store

Please, don’t hesitate to comment on this post.

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