PC1500 Technical Reference Manual The official Machine langage book.
PC2 Assembly Language A series of articles by Bruce Elliot
PC2-PC1500 Machine Language Programming Others articles from Pocket Computer Newsletter
pc2rs232 Service Manual
PC2 Service Manual
timer NEC PD4990 Timer Chip Documentation.
pc2printer PC2 printer / CE150 Manual
First release
pockemul 0.5 : Emulator for Sharp PC1350.
Bugs List :
- Impossible to modify the contrast of the LC
- Don’t care about the menu
- Use of a hack to scan keyboard. I think there is a problem with one instruction in the CPU emulation.
- Use of a hack to scan keyboard. I think there is a problem with one instruction in the CPU emulation.
- Memory cards are not emulated.
- Use of a hack to scan keyboard. I think there is a problem with one instruction in the CPU emulation.
- The Key ON/OFF is not working properly.
- The RS232C is not yet emulated.
- Tape recorder and printer are not yet emulated.